9 กุมภาพันธ์ 2551

Representative Bureaucracy : A study of demographic and attitudinal representativeness in local government of Thailand southernmost provinces.

1. Introduction
Thailand has been managed by official systems all the time of democratic developing periods. Whatever changing processes have been performed, the official systems have strongly been maintained. The main reason is that official systems have been responsible for carrying on the national policies to achieve the goals, so they are fully related to managing authority in social resource arrangement. So, governments or official representatives are legal orderers. Professor Theodore Lowi (1969) has given interesting attitude concerning official authority that public servants are representatives who exercise the power to control every one in the society to follow the regulations. Authority relates to law enforcement for protection and suppression which may affect the citizens directly or indirectly as the policies of the government.
In Thai society under official system public policy consists of public and policy. “Policy” refers to registration that the governments proclaim for enforcement and affect the citizens more or less. All the policies, transformed to law through legislative process for all the citizens to practice are called moral frame, regardless of if the law is corresponding with national culture. “Public” refers to every citizen, affected by the law of the government and it also means social and culture which are the important regulations for all the citizens to live happily together all over the country. Publicness refers to ethics and goodness, fine culture, validity, citizens’ right and liberty under the law together with good governance for all the social leaders.
So, government officials must be the leader with high morality who carries out the public policies for all the citizens, happiness under Thailand’s democratic governments. Good government officials will be able to create and carry out public policies through moral process with the citizens’ participation, consisting of knowledge, goodness, happiness and public interest for all the members in Thai societies (Borworn Prapruet Dee, 628-629)
The government has determined to improve government service system by allowing people to take part, reducing unnecessary steps in the process without discrimination. The decentralization to local administration bodies is the measure for responsibility co-operation between central and local government, indicating duties and responsibilities for each section clearly. The local administration is the organization which is very close to the people consists of 4 following forms: provincial administration organization, municipality, tambon administration organization and special administration system (The Secretariat of the Cabinet, 1997)

Constitution of The Kingdom of Thailand, 1997.
The government officials have to carry out their duties corresponding with constitutional administration so as to serve the citizens’ needs equally in quality of life, human dignity, human status and right and freedom according to democracy.
The national economic system should spread incomes, create morality, support legal right, support community status and people’ s participation for stable local political institutes (Issara’ s news institute, the News Reporter Association of Thailand, 2007)
1. The government must lower its power and avoid intervention, domination over people’s right, freedom and ways of life. All the citizens have full right to arrange their ways of life equally with others in the society. They have fully right to be under state’s protection for legal occupations, difference in races, culture, and religions.
2. A person is entitled to get status certification if he or she was born in Thailand, he (or she) has fully right to get birth certificate and Thai nationality.
3. Every person, born in Thailand, must get legal protection on right, freedom and human dignity. A person, having been living in Thailand for over five years, can get Thai nationality. The government can not make any international agreements that violate people’s legal right and freedom.
4. People are equal under the law and must be equally protected by the law. The government can not have a prejudice against a person’s birthplace, race, language, gender status, physical status, health, legal occupation, economic and social status, religion, education level or political attitude.
5. The government must promote equality, male, female or various gender are equal under the law. People get full right to have sexual activities according to their taste together with right to get married and build a family, recognized and protected by the government.
6. A person has equal right to profess or not to profess any religion, to practise the religion, to have religious holydays according to his (or her) faith without religious agitation in the school.
7. The government must respect and support the diversity of people’s races, religions, languages and culture, especially, for local communities. The government must provide religious holidays, support religions activities together with local languages both at work and at school along with Thai language.
8. The government must provide welfare for elderly people, the poor, the disable by determining the measures to support them to exercise their right and freedom the same as others. The welfare measures, including the convenience for them to get freedom and safety during the journey, the communication and to reach public information from government sectors or state enterprises in appropriate ways.
9. The government must be responsible for providing equal medical services for patients both with physical and mental sickness in health insurance or social insurance systems in government sector and private sector.
10. Children, youngsters and family members are to be protected from violence, infringement of substantive rights and illegal exploitation according to international obligation. Moreover, the government must be responsible for protecting and developing children and youngsters in education, health, career promotion and getting at mass media or all information for children and youngsters.
11. All the citizens have equal right for basic education provided by the government. The syllabuses must be various and emphasizing on history with nation building process. Local communities must take part in education management and development in their regions.
12. The government is responsible for providing appropriate occupations for people in working ages, protecting just employment, just compensation and equality, stopping employers’ discrimination. The government must also protect child female and disable labors, hermaphrodite, foreign labors together with minimum wage guarantee, work safety, traveling and accommodation.
13. The government must perform decentralization to localities, create equality in politics, administration, economy, religion and culture. Let the local communities participate in policy determination for politics, local administration. Law and procedure in the court must correspond to religions and local faith. Provincial governors must come from general election, local administrative officials must be in good proportion according to the religions, races of the local people in the region.
14. There can be special district in some area and let the local people take part in the local administration, especially in the region with different religions, races and culture.
15. The government must be responsible for people’s security in the judicial process, the alleged offender can have some lawyers to contest a legal action.
Conclusively, the government is working to maintain people’s freedom, human dignity, justice, equality, public services, public welfare, substantive right, employment, security, people’s participation in polities, administration, economy, social with discrimination.

Local government
Thailand has been under democratic governments since the yea 1932. So far, every government has been trying to develop central administration and local administration by way of democracy, especially, people with various occupations are calling for more decentralization, so that local people may enjoy self governing. During the government of Mr. Chuan Lheek Pai (1997), there was a provision of article 285, regulated the local administration organization must have a local cousin with local administrators so as to run the local management to serve the people’s needs according to the constitutional provision. (Suto Sarajun 1999, 1-2)
Thai governments have been promoting the decentralization into local administration so as to serve people’s needs according to constitutional provision of the year 1999. During many years in the part, there have been important changes about decentralization and local administration organization, called “structural changes”, relating to:
The establishment of local administration organization (according to the power vested local administration act 1993) Nowadays, there are 6397 local administration organizations.
The legislation of provincial administration organization in 1997, empowered to be responsible for all over the province as the second structure of local administration.
Elevation of sanitation district to be municipality in 1999, which is every important for the government. It is the transferring of state resources from central to provincial government which means money, manpower, authority and freedom in management so as to serve the people’s needs.
The local administration is the base of democracy because people can be trained to understand about policy planning and problem solving. These create their responsibilities because they share in all advantages and disadvantages in the administration of their home land so that it bring about confidence of democratic government (Chusak Triang Trong 1975, 6-7) The basic essentials, mentioned in the constitution are: Firstly, allowing the people to participate in self governing by way of local administration in the Executive or the Legislative of the organization. Secondly, the Executive and the Legislative can be responsible for local administration freely and automatically by the local people and for the local people. Thirdly, the local administration organization will be able to serve the local people’s needs effectively. Fourthly, the local administration can share the responsibilities from the central government.

Representative bureaucracy in local government
Constitution of The Kingdom of Thailand 1997. Section 78 mentions that the state must decentralize power to localities for the purpose of intendance and self-determination of local affairs, develop local economics, public utilities and facilities systems and information infrastructure in the locality thoroughly and equally all over the country as well as develop into a large-sized local government organization a province ready for such purpose, having regard to the will of local people. Section 282 to 290, the government promotes self governing in locality in determining administrative policies, personnel administration, financial administration under the law (Wutisarn Tunchai).
So, Local Self Government is an important purpose in developing country and local administration in present situation so that Localities can be the center of development for economy, societies, politics, self supporting that creat stability for the nation and localities. (Wirat Wiratnipawun 2536 : 279)
The local administration organizations have to link among political organizations, official departments and people organizations, aiming to solve the problems compromisingly, to create morality, justice and co-operation between people and government officials and among the people and provide public utilization continuously for people. (National security policy)

2. Statement of Problem
The four provinces in southern border land, Pattani, Yala, Nara Thiwat and Songkhla according to my research, possess specific social structure. Most people in Pattani, Yala and Nara Thiwat are Islamic, using Malay language in daily life. They do not speak Thai and some of them can not speak Thai (The Center of Southern Border land Province Administration Supervision, 2528: 2: Thomas, 1974: 547). These affect the development process and government officials’ duties that the government have to pay great attention for the success of state policies. (Arkom Jaikaew 2-3)
The governments have been running the development policies in the southern border provinces with different processes according to political conditions by way of infrastructure development of economics such as building highways and educational promotion. In some periods, state power has been exercised as political instrument to force or control the directions of changing. In the period of Field Marshal Pro. Pibul Songkram, the development project emphasized on modernization such as wearing trousers instead of tube skirt, using Thai language in education. These brough about violent broken apart because it was contrary to Moslem custom and religion. So state policies in the following periods emphasized on social stability and culture (Surin 2527: 20-21, Forbes, 1982: 1060). However, the way to achieve the goal for state policies nowadays still neglects the conditions of running the policies in the areas such as placing Buddha statues in the classrooms of primary level which cause problem for Moslem pupils in the practicing their religion. So, the government must be more careful in running the state policies in Southern border land province.
Abdul Gordae Jaeraya has said that “running state policies in this area needs great care, chiefs of office departments must pay more attention to all the problems or they will create battle conditions and spoil peace, acquired difficultly (Abdul Gardae, 2529:7).
However complicated the southern situation was the government determined more appropriate policies according to cabinet’ s opinion on June 24, 1989 with approval for national security policy, emphasized on society, political psychology both international and domestic, economy and national defense (Center of administration directing for provinces in southern frontier 2529:12) which have been practiced up to now. This does not mean that all the policies have achieved the goal but it is believed that difference in religions and culture will not be unsolvable it the government has determined appropriate policies. Mr.Suwit Suitanukul has expressed that :
“…The governments have always been confident that the people are Thai by race and nationality, the government officials treat them equally with other Thais. Due to the fact that they are special group people with different religion, language, culture and they are rigorous in religion and their culture, the government has determined specific policies to serve the problems... (Suwit, 2530: 100).
The present situation in Yala, Pattani, Nara Thiwat and some parts of Songkhla province is the same as forest fire that may spread out widely. There is rarely security in communication, locality development, taxation by government officials. Terrorists have been bringing about great trouble to people for along time. Considering the government officials’ roles in the south, many departments need correction because they can be double-edged swords creating both useful and harmful effect. So long as the government can not improve the roles of the departments, the bad political crisis in the south will never disappear. (The Siamrat, June 14, 1974)
The main cause is the lack of good co-operation between the government officials and the local people because of the lack of good co-operation between government officials and local people, the officials’ idleness, the people’s distrustfulness for the officials. The people do not expect to depend on officials, they form up their illegal groups to solve their problems and automatically become the government officials’ enemies.
In solving the problems, the government should understand the causes and the people’s needs together with Islamic culture and tradition in the three southern provinces. President Massisi of The Philippines used to suppressed Hook bala hub bandits by using public relations project to win over the people and create good relationship, establishing the department to accept people’s complaint with sincerity (The Siamrat, June 28, 1974).
According to the special problems in the southern provinces, the government should pay more attention and be more careful in running the policies in conformity with economic, social and political situations especially the co-relation with religion, culture and local people’s tradition.
The study on topic “Representative Bureaucracy: A study of demographic and attitudinal representativeness in local government of Thailand southernmost provinces” indicates that every system of government needs good relationship with people even the democratic policy, mentioned that “administrative power belongs to people, manage by people and for the people (Samhan, 2510: 1-2)
Local administration organization are decentralization policies according to the constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand B.E.2542 with the objective to support the local people with better public services, encourage them to take part in local activities. The main aims of this challenging task for the local administration organization are the stability of the localities, the welfare of the people, good environment and good management (Thailand Environment Institute, TEI.)
The research would like to see the local administration officials carry out their task based on local people’s needs with good attitude, good conscious mind with out discrimination. So, qualifications of good officials must be honesty, responsibilities and justice.

3. Objective
The main purposes of studying “Representative Bureaucracy: A study of demographic and attitudinal representativeness in local government of Thailand southernmost provinces” are the ways the government officials should do so as to gain co-operation and trust from local people.
1. Study the characteristics of being the government representatives of the local administration members in the four southernmost provinces to operate according to demography.
2. Study people’s attitude towards the characteristics of being the government representatives of the local administration members in the four southernmost provinces.
3. Study and compare the characteristics of being the government representatives in the four southernmost provinces that treat the people according to demography.
4. Study and compare the people’s attitude towards the characteristics of being the government representatives of the local administration members in the four southernmost provinces.

4. Hypothesis
1. Demography is the important factor for characteristics of being the government representatives of the local administration members in four southernmost provinces.
2. People in four southernmost provinces have negative attitude towards the characteristics of being the government representatives of the local administration members.
3. There are differences in being the government representatives of the local administration members.

5. Definition
Conceptual Definition
Representative Bureaucracy refers to being the government representative or to carry out the representative’s duties for people, concerning right, liberty, human dignity, justice, equality, public services, social welfare, substantive right, employment, security and people’s participation.
Demographic refers to characteristics of demography of people in the area of local administration in four southernmost provinces, consisting of factors of genders, ages, education, occupations, incomes, races, religions, languages, physical factors and people’s birth places.

Operational Definition
Attitudinal refers to people’s attitudes towards being the government representatives of the local administration members in four southernmost provinces.
Representativeness refers to being to people representatives of the local administration members in four southernmost provinces.
Local government refers to provincial administration organization, tambon administration organization and municipality in the four southernmost provinces.
Four southernmost provinces of four southernmost provinces refers to the area of Songkhla Province, Pattani Province, Yala Province and Nara Thiwat Province.

6. Model

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

7. Literature Review
This study relates to the following important ideas and theories :
1. The idea about being representatives.
2. The idea about local administration theory.
3. The idea about attitudes.
4. Result of related research.
The researcher uses the way to study being government representatives of the local administration body for case study of the four southernmost provinces according to the following information:

1. The idea about being representatives.
Tomas Hobbs, a political scientist speaks about executive power (DateChart WongKomolchate 2524, 135) that it comes from making the agreement of human being to live together in community by authorizing a person or a group of people to be responsible for security of all the people. The executive power of the government is not a party to the contract but it is the third party out of the contract so the executive power of the government has no obligation to follow or to be responsible for the party to the contract (Sathian Homkajorn and members 2527, 20-22). Or, the representatives have full right and freedom without any superintendence. However, the government’s executive power is responsible for the important duty of safeguarding the subordinates (Pitkin 1969, 8). So, the representatives according to Hobbs mean authorizing people’s power to the representatives. According to Rousseau political society comes from adjusting to the situation and the need for perfection of human being (Sathion Homkajorn and members 2527, 67). And when the people join together to be a society, they transfer some of there right to the community in exchange for the establishment of the government for general objectives (The government is the representative of general objectives or sovereignty) and to receive the order or to be authorized of the general objectives to practice. The power of the government is up to the sovereignty authorized by the people and it must follow the will of the people who are the owners of sovereignty (DateChart WongKomolchate 2524, 160-165). So, the representatives, according to Rousseau’s point of view must be under the people’s authority and must follow the people’s opinion.
According, the power of administration of the government is transferred from the people’s power by electing the people representatives to exercise the power of administration. However, the exercise of the administration power is different. Hobbs thinks that government is the representative with full power to make decision freely without any obligations to the people (because they are out of the agreements) but it must be responsible for people’s security and interests. But Rousseau states that the importance of the representatives is that they have to do every thing to serve the people’s needs and this is the difference between Hobbs’s view and Rousseau’s.

According to Berg’s view (Sathion Homkajorn and members 2527, 92-101), the representatives belong to the country and the national benefit and this is the duty of the representatives to achieve the goal though they are grateful for those who have voted for them. A political party is the organization, running for the national benefit which is the accepted active for every one to achieve the goal together. So, the representatives in Berg’s view are the representatives of the nation, the locality and the political parties, working for the benefit of the country and the people.
Conclusively, the qualifications of the representatives are (GaNok WongTraNgan 2530, 59-60);
1. Being a representative means a representative for the voters who have voted for them and sent them into the parliament. According, all the representatives must pay attention to the voter’s needs, satisfaction and opinion.
2. Being a representative means being trusted by the people for high morality, responsibilities education, intelligence, the sake of public spirit. So, the representatives are free from the obligations to please the people in their constituencies.
However, in political competition situation, the representatives have to work for people and for their own political parties. Moreover, Rousseau (1965, 50-55) has expressed that sovereignty belongs to every person who has gathered in group, every person takes part in authorizing the representatives. This opinion creates 2 important cases, (Pokin polkul 2527, 193).
1) Every person has full right to elect the ruler according to the sovereignty and this is call “the general election”
2) Authoring the representatives means the representatives are in the mandate imperative of the voters in the constituency. The representatives must be under the voters’ control, may be by way of referendum or recall.
Jacobsen and Lipman (1965, 118) has expressed that representatives are those who speak and act for the people in the constituency. The representatives control the executives by interpellating, joining the executives with the people, co-operating with the party leader in determining the scope of work to work for people.

Birch (1968, 106) has expressed that the representatives have 3 duties; being the voters’ representatives, adjudicating the best choice for the country and supporting their own political party.
According to Jacobsen and Birch, representatives must be responsible for their own party. So, they should understand their own roles as representatives, whether to work for the locality or the political party.

2. Opinion about local administration theory
Meaning of local administration;
Daniel Wit: The local administration refers to the decentralization to the local administration so, that the local people can take part in the administration. If the executive power comes from the local people, the local government must belong to the people, by the people and for the people.
William V. Holloway (1951: 101-103) : The local administration means an organization with definite territory, determined population, self government, self financial administration and a local council with elected members.
John J. Clarke (1957: 87-89): The local administration means the organization being responsible for public service in the territory and administration organization is established and under the supervision of the central government.
Haris G. Montagu (1984: 574): The local administration refers to the process of administration in which the local administration performs the election freely for the administrators to be responsible for supervision of local administration or central administration. But the local administration organization is still under national supremacy, not a free state.
Emile J. Sady: The local administration is a legal political administration under the state policy with sufficient power to run the activities in the locality together with taxation. The officials in the local administration may come from election or appointment in the locality (Utai Hiruntoe, 2523 : 4)
Pratan KongRitSieksakorn: The local administration refers to the decentralization of the state to the local administration organization, established and supervised by the government but determine and control the policies by themselves.
Utai Hiruntoe: The local administration refers to the power transferring from the government to the local people so as to serve their needs. The local people co-operate in establishing the organization with some or all the officials elected by the people and run the administration under control of the government policy in appropriate conditions. (Utai Hiruntoe 2523, 2)
William A. Robson: The local administration refers to the administration division, established by the government with autonomy, local rights and necessary organization so as to achieve the goal in local administration. (William A. Robson, 1953: 574)
(ChooWong Chayabutra: 2539) conclude that;
1) The administration systems for communities with different factors about progression, population, sizes of territories in Thailand is arranged to be the administration for Bangkok, municipality, provincial administration organization, local administration organization and Pattaya City.
2) The local administration organization must possess appropriate autonomy in necessary limitation so as to achieve the goal. If the local administration possesses unlimited autonomy, it will become a sovereign state that affects the public security. The localities possess different limitation of autonomy according to the progress, people’s abilities and state policies in decentralization.
3) The local administration division must possess legal rights so as to run the self government process according to 2 items of legal rights;
1. The local administration division has full rights to make the law or regulations such as municipal law, sanitary regulations for the local people.
2. The principle rights for local administration that is the right for budget determination for local activities.
4) There are two self governing organizations: the executive branch and the legislative branch such as the municipality is managed by the municipal commission and municipal council, responsible for the legislative. In Bangkok, the metropolis governor is the executive and Bangkok metropolis council is the legislative.

Objectives of local administration
ChooWong Chayabutra (2539: 26)
1. To share the missions with the government. The local administration organization possesses its own incomes and budget to bring about prosperity to the locality and these help the government in sharing of monetary, personnel and time for operation.
2. To serve the local people’s needs. The central government can not serve all the people throughout the country so it is the duties of the local administration to share the responsibilities.
3. To help the central government save national budget because the local administration organization can run its own taxation and support most of the local people’s needs.
4. The local administration can education the people about sovereignty by allowing them to take part in self governing process through election and work in executive or legislative staff.

The importance of local administration
According to the idea of local administration by way of decentralization, we can conclude the important factors according to the following reasons :
1. The local administration is the basic democracy, concerning advantage and disadvantage from the administration process, responsibilities for the benefits in their homeland. This is also the education about politics and administration for people when they join the election for executive and legislative staffs. They will get valuable experience for the duty of good citizens to participate in the national political activities.
2. The local administration process enable the people to learn about self government which means people have important roles in the government. The local governor is elected by the people to hear the people and to work for the people according to democratic process. The people have full right to join referendum to recall some officials, to join the solution process in their locality. (Anan Anantagul, 2521: 6-7).
Moreover, the important thing is the decentralization to the grass root level so as to create the long stability in locality. (Leekhit Teeravakin, 2525: 3)
3. The local administration process is the way to share the responsibilities of the government according to the decentralization for the following purposes: (ChooWong Chayabutra, 2539: 28-29)
1) The government has been responsible for a lot of burdens with increasing yearly budget together with the growth of the cities.
2) The government can not serve the people with different needs in different localities. The local people know and understand their own problems and are able to solve the problems by themselves.
3) Some problems belong to some localities not for every locality so the local people should be responsible for the burdens.
Without the local administration organizations, the government will have to shoulder all the burdens and it is impossible to supply all the demands perfectly, the roles of the government are only necessary supervision to create the standard for the localities.
4) The local administration organization are able to supply the demands perfectly among the difference of geography, resources, population, needs and problems. The local executive staff can manage all the tasks efficiently in short periods so it does not waste a lot of time and money.
5) The local administration process builds so many political leaders for Thailand in the future. The chief local executives with high political experience and people’s supporting will have strong political bases such as Mr. Tongyhod JittaWera, Mr. Surin Tepganjana used to be mayors before being successful as the famous national politicians (Winyu Aunkanasak, 2528: 98)
6) The local administration process can go well with self service development process, relating to decentralization in politics, economy and society. If we get full supporting from the local people it will bring about good co-operation and great success. The local development process must no be something, so call “to force them to receive or to insist on giving” or as a “windfall” which may bring about negative outcomes and spoil democracy (Leekhit Teeravakin, 2528: 3-4). So, decentralization brings about self service, the important case for local development.
The important factor of decentralization is consideration about people’s knowledge and abilities. This has been the problem for long discussion since the year 1932. There are two important parts in local administration which are politics with administration and executive. The politics refers to the preparation for democracy and self governing where as the executive refers to sharing the burdens with the government and the local people, being responsible for the problems of personnel, budget and management.

Factors of local administration
The local administration system consists of 8 factors (Utai Hiruntoe, 2523: 22).
1. Legal Status, refers to any country, mentioned the local administration process in the national constitution, the local government of the country will be stronger than the local administration, established by other law. The statements in the constitution show the real policy for decentralization.
2. Area and Level, consists of some important factors, concerning geography, history, races and people’s sense of self government according to the 2 regulations for big or local administration organizations according to the information, studied from the UNO, FAO, UNESCO, WHO and Bureau of Social Affair. It is state that a qualified local administration organization should possess the population of about 50,000 together with the quality of executive, incomes and personnel.
3. The decentralization is up to the political policy and public administration of the state.
4. The juristic person organization, established by the act of law, separated from the central government with certain scope of administration, power for the determination of policies, regulations and executive.
5. Members or executives of the organization must be elected from the people in the locality for all or some part according to the people’s participation.
6. Freedom for self governing under self determination for executive with the purview without asking for approval from government or any other authority.
7. The local administration organization can run its activities on its own budget. They can perform taxation under the law. So, the locality earns enough incomes to run its own development projects.
8. The local organization are under control of the government so as to create the national stability and the people’s welfare. However, the organizations do not possess full freedom because they are not sovereign states. (Anan Anantagul, 2521: 10)
The state reserves the right to control the local administration organization, based on the decentralization theory and democratic principle, encouraging people to join political activities and self governing.

3. Opinion about attitude
Attitude is the relationship, relating the feeling and the faith of the people with tendency of retaliation behavior of a person. Many academics express the following various meanings of attitude;
Good (1973, 101) Attitude refers to readiness to express the encouragement or resistance to a person or condition.
Attitude in the view of some social psychologists are;
Allport (1935, 798-884): Attitude refers to the readiness of mind and nerve because of experience that will regulate the direction or influence the response of a person to situation and relating objects.
Moreover, attitude can be described as: 1) the mental condition that can express the behavior of love or hate. 2) the readiness to respond in negative or positive way. 3) something happens systematically and continuously together with relating behavior, such as being sullen when getting angry. 4) something happens from experience, the researcher has used this item in the questionnaire for case study about the representative’s feeling towards his or her position. 5) something with high power, influencing one’s behavior.
Howard H. Kendler, (1976, 3) has expressed that attitude refers to everyone’s readiness to carry out his or her behavior, responding to stimulus from society, family, institution and some opinion that enable him or her to express 2 ways of attitude, positive or satisfaction and negative or dissatisfaction. Attitude brings about behavior.
Rokeach, (1970, 112) : Attitude is the combination or arrangement of belief in something that will determine the tendency to one’s personality, expressing positive or negative responding behavior.
M. E. Shaw and I. M. Wright (1976, 3) : Attitude refers to one’s opinion relating to knowledge and experience, encouraging the person to express the behavior, responding to stimulus or imagination in any aspect.
Conclusively, attitude refers to opinion, belief and tendency of a person towards surrounding situation that can be satisfaction or dissatisfaction which is up to one’s experience, perception and value.
Attitude consists of 3 following factors: cognition, feeling and action tendency.
1. Cognition consists of one’s faith on the attitude target the importance of this factor is the evaluated faith, indicating pleasant or unpleasant, good or bad together with the thought of how to respond the attitude target in the most appropriate way. So, in this case, cognition and action tendency have close relationship.
2. Feeling refers to emotion towards the attitude target. The target will be looked with the emotion of pleasure or displeasure, like or dislike. This emotion or feeling make a person become obstinate and may be encouraged to perform the retaliating reaction in case of affecting the feeling.
3. Action tendency refers to readiness to carry out the consistent behavior with the attitude. A person with good attitude towards the target will be ready to carry out the supporting behavior for the target. Where as a person with negative attitude will be ready to damage the target.
So, attitude is the factors, composed with the target perceived or met that arouse the old experience, bringing about negative or positive feeling towards the roles of representatives and then create the tendency of responding. We can see that attitude is related to behavior according to social standard that may stop the person from carry out the behavior, consistent with attitude. And these may create the feeling of conflict that he or she has to try reduce it by changing the attitude. So, the main problem is that how much power of conflict do we have to build in the people’s mind so as to encourage them to change their attitude.
This concept about the attitude is the researcher’s idea for studying the behavior of the government representatives in the local administration organization in the 4 southernmost provinces. The attitude is the opinion of the people towards the roles of the government representatives.

4. Result of the related study
Pairin Waranuntagul, 2542 has studied about the people’s attitude towards the administration of Yala municipal officers and found that;
Most people, answering the questionnaire express their attitude towards Yala municipal administrators in medium level. They agree to the developing policy for both land route and water route, especially the development for canals. But they disagree with the administrators in 2 items; this are not enough public toilets and they are rather dirty, people have not opportunity to take part in education management.
The variables, affecting the attitude are genders and incomes but there is no effect from ages, family status, education levels, occupations, period of living in municipal limit, contacting with municipal office and former domiciles.
Srisompop JitraPiromsri and southern network of political science and public administration (2550) have studied the attitude of people and leaders in 5 southernmost provinces, : Pattani, Yala, NaraThiwat and Songkhla (4 districts) and Satun by studying the people’s attitude towards the government, state departments and people’s leaders by considering factors about people’s conducting their life concerning religion, education, relationship communities, relationship in families, occupation, security in life, application of laws and administration of justice. The result of the study indicates that : education of a person and his or her family, religion practicing, and the relationship with members of communities, come out with the mean of 4.66, 4.59 and 4.38 respectively (from full scores of 5). The lowest scores come from application of laws and administration of justice, security of his or her own life and family, solving problems about drugs and vices with the mean of 3.53, 3.59 and 3.77 respectively.
When separate group of people from Pattani, Yala and NaraThiwat and the result comes out similarly, satisfaction from religion practicing comes first (3.93) relationship with community members (3.6) education for one self and family (3.53). The lowest score come from surety for one self and family, solving problems about drugs and vices, application of laws and administration of justice with the means of 3.53, 3.59 and 3.77 respectively.
Important conditions to be considered are satisfaction about religion practice and relationship in communities indicating the stability of locality identity and dissatisfaction about security of life, administration of laws and justice, problems about drugs. All the problems as mentioned above need correction.

8. Signification of studies
1. Learning about being government representatives of executive staffs of local administration organization in 4 southernmost provinces who treat people according to the regulations of demography.
2. Learning about people’s attitudes towards being government representatives of executive staffs in the local administration organization in the southernmost provinces.
3. Learning about the difference of being the government representative of the executive staffs in the local administration organization in the southernmost provinces, who treat the people according to the conditions of demography.
4. Learning about the difference of people’s attitudes towards being the government representatives of executive staffs in local administration bodies in four southernmost provinces.
5. These will be of great use for government representatives in local administration bodies, academics, interested researchers who would like to tape part in solving the problems and developing the localities for people’s welfare.

9. Methodology
In studying “Representative Bureaucracy: A study of demographic and attitudinal representativeness in local government of Thailand Southernmost provinces”, the researcher has carried out the study according to the following items:

Target people for study
People in the area of local administration in 4 southernmost regions

Sample groups and random sampling
The researcher has carried out the research by following stratified sampling on first step and purposive sampling on the next step because of large number of people with various factors, living all over the large area in the four southernmost provinces.

Instrument for data collection
The research has been perform according to the following steps:
1. Building the questionnaire on the following processes:
1.1 Studying the documents and relating researches, gathering some suggestions from qualified persons so as to determine scope of questionnaire.
1.2 Building the questionnaire in appropriate frameworks with the in formation according to the purposes of case study.
1.3 Submitting the questionnaire to the qualified persons for suggestion and correction.
1.4 Using the questionnaire with people in the area of local administration organization in Phattalung, which is a near by province.
2. Testing the questionnaire before using, asking the researcher to estimate the reliability and validity by way of the following method:
2.1 Validity estimation
The researcher has submitted the questionnaire to thesis advising committees to estimate content validity, language usage, structure, information and to improve the work for more perfection.

2.2 Testing for reliability
The researcher has tried out the improved questionnaires by inquiring people in the area of local administration organization in Phattalung province. After that, the questionnaires have been checked and graded so as to estimate reliability value for all, using Cronbach’s coefficient alpha.
The reliability value is arranged from 0 to 1. The efficient questionnaire will provide unchanging result. In case of no inaccuracy, the reliability value will be 1 or nearly 1. Oppositely, questionnaire without validity will show the reliability value of 0 or very close to 0. So, efficient questionnaire should provide the reliability value of at least 0.75
3. A set of questionnaire consists of 3 sections:
Section 1: Questions about demography, concerning, genders, ages, education, occupations, incomes, races, religions, languages, physical appearance and birth places in choice questions.
Section 2: To estimate people’s attitudes towards being government representatives of local administration executives. The question will be both positive and negative.
Section 3: To estimate the levels of operation for government representatives who act as the local administration executives concerning right and liberty, human dignity, justice, equality, public services, welfare, substantive right, employment, security, people participation.

Variable estimation
There are 11 independent variables and 10 dependent variables.
1. Independent variables consist of ;
1.1 Demographic data.
Genders, ages, education, occupations, incomes, races, religions, languages, physical appearance and birth place.
1.2 People’s attitudes
Estimation for people’s attitudes towards being the government’s representatives of the executives in local administration organization, using both positive and negative questions. The mean of total scores will be used for interpreting the people’s attitudes towards being government’s representatives of the executives in the local administration organization.
2. Dependent variables consist of
Being the government’s representatives of the executives in the local administration organization, relating to freedom, human dignity, justice, equality, public services, welfare, substantive right, employment, security, people’s participation.
There are 5 levels of scores;
- most practice = 5
- much practice = 4
- medium practice = 3
- a little practice = 2
- little practice = 1

Using the mean in data interpretation, estimating that scores lower than mean and equal to mean indicate that working of the representatives in each part is not in good level where as higher scores than the mean indicates good level of representative’s work.

Data collection
1. Data sources, gathered from primary data or the data from questionnaire and secondary data collected from text books, articles, research work and relating documents, using for determining structure of idea in education.
2. Collecting the data from questionnaire, The researcher has collected the data from people in the area of local administration bodies in the four southernmost provinces.

Data analysis
The researcher checks the collected data for sure and arranges the data in appriate order in preparation for statistical analysis, using statistical package for the social sciences, SPSS analysis
Statistics used in data analysis
Part 1: Analysis of the factors concerning demography of the people, answering the questionnaire. The factors are genders, ages, education, occupations, incomes, races, religions, languages, physical appearance, birthplaces, arranged in percentage and rank.
Part 2: Analysis of people’s attitudes towards being government representatives of executives in local administration organization in four southernmost provinces, explained in percentage and rank.
Part 3: Analysis the level of treatment according to the duties of being government representatives of executives in local administration organization, explained in percentage, rank, mean and standard deviation.
Part 4: Analysis the relationship among variables of genders, ages, education, occupations, incomes, races, religions, languages, physical appearance, birthplace and the attitudes towards being government representatives of executives in local administration organization concerning rights and liberty, human dignity, justice, equality, public services, welfare, substantive right, employment, security, people’s participation, using Chi-square statistical significance value used here is determined at 0.05

10. Limitation of study
1. This is the study about being the government representatives of executives in local administration bodies in the area of four southernmost provinces.
2. Analyzing the demography, relating to the roles of executives in local administration bodies by using preliminary data about people in four southernmost provinces.
3. This is the study about the policies and the roles of local administration bodies, emphasizing on the people’s benefits.
4. Moreover, this is the study to go over the relating factors and deviation and compare with evident data in quantity.
5. Studying the people’s attitudes in four southernmost provinces towards the roles of local executives.

11. Chapters Summary
From the research for the thesis “Representative Bureaucracy: A study of demographic and attitudinal representativeness in local government of Thailand southernmost provinces”, arranged in to 6 sections;
Section 1: The introduction, consisting of the importance of problems for the research, objective, supposition and limitation of study, submitting the subject documents and methods of study, benefits from the study practical definition used in this thesis.
Section 2: Details about theorical ideas relating to government representatives, factors relating to the roles of being government representative of executives in local administration bodies.
Section 3: Methods of study, consisting of data collection, level of analytical units, sample group selection and methods of data analysis.
Section 4: Description of sample groups, distributed in groups of sample targets, each expresses general status, defined according to provinces.
Section 5: Analyzing quantitative data according to theory tested. The expressed information consists of general factors of being government representatives, attitudes of the representatives, roles of being government representatives of executives in the local administration bodies in four southernmost provinces.
Section 6: Summarizing result of study between quantitative test and suggesting and essentials of studying about being government representatives in the local administration organizations.
Appendix Consists of information for thesis writing program, questionnaire, people and random, detail and process of preparing measure the deviation.

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